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How to Protect Your Mental Health this Holiday Season

We all have experienced holiday stress, whether it stems from finances, a busy social calendar, strenuous workloads, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Although the demands of the world continue to intensify, we’re glad to report that mental health awareness and managing mental health are becoming a more popular subject.

Protect your mental health this holiday season with simple strategies.We’re not in this alone, and there are several ways to nurture your emotions and mental health during this season. Here are 4 ways that can help!

Quiet Time in the Morning

Every morning we wake up checking our emails, social media, missed text messages and/or the news. Imagine receiving bad news or a busy to-do-list, only minutes after you have gotten out of bed to start the day. On top of that, you’re getting all this information during the rush of the holidays! 

Take time in the morning to think for yourself before letting in external influences. Set your goals for the day. Read something that inspires you. Meditate for 10 minutes. Listen to music. Learn how to take control of your day from the beginning. A clear head that is filled with positive possibilities is sure to operate differently than one which is immediately affected by outside sources. 

Set Boundaries

As we evolve, we are expected to do more than ever. The demands from family, friends, and work can be overwhelming and the holiday season only amplifies it. Even though we want to spread the joy, we need to know where our boundaries lie. 

Create boundaries around the amount of money you spend and the amount of time you give to others. Only you know what will stress you out to the point of exhaustion, or how much money you can really spend during the holidays. Don’t let stretching yourself past your means stress you out or make you feel guilty. 

There’s a whole lot that is expected of us, and we can’t get trapped into believing that we should be able to do it all. Set boundaries on what you can and cannot do, and then be firm in those boundaries. People may not understand in that moment, but ultimately, if you’re kind and honest to them and to yourself, you’ll be happy those boundaries were enforced. 

Talk to Someone You Trust

The holiday season can be a difficult time. Whether you’re missing someone, going through excess stress at work, or having trouble with your finances,  don’t let your feelings get buried in the chaos. 

When feelings arise that cause sadness or heavy emotions, talk to someone you trust about it. Maybe that’s a close friend who you know will be understanding, a support group, or a therapist. Having an outlet and a soundboard to bounce back ideas and provide a different perspective is one of the reasons why we’re all in this together. 

There are people out there who have been through your situation or something similar. They can help you through a tough time by empathizing and relating to your situation. 


We hear time and time again that “I don’t have time to exercise, there’s so much to do”. But trust us, you have time. An hour, even just a couple of times a week, won’t only save your mental health but give your body physical benefits, too. 

With the dopamine release that happens in our brains when we exercise, not only will the chemical reaction in the brain make you happier, but fighting holiday weight gain is sure to make you feel better about yourself and your situation. There is always a way to make more time for the things that we need to do for ourselves. 

Turn to Voyage Healthcare

Holidays are supposed to be a happy time for us to come together with the ones we love. Don’t let stress build up to the point where you are not enjoying it. Take time for yourself and your mental health in order to be completely present with the ones you love. 

If you find that you or a loved one is battling a mental disorder, we are here for you. At Voyage Healthcare, we provide a wide range of services. We recommend starting with your family medicine provider. They will work to get you the help you need to get on a path to a healthy lifestyle and positive mental state. Call or visit our website today to schedule an appointment at one of our four convenient metro locations.

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