There’s a lot to keep track of with your child’s medical care.
One of the biggest things that you need to keep up on? Immunizations.

There are a lot of them. And going to the clinic for shots can be stressful for many children. So, how can you minimize their distress?
How Can I Keep My Child Calm?
You know your kids need to get vaccines. Your healthcare provider will make sure your child is up-to-date on their shots at each well-child visit.
But, going to the doctor for shots can be upsetting and painful for many kids.
Here are a few suggestions for preparing before, during, and after the visit.
Before the Visit
First, tell the truth about their visit to the doctor. Avoidance may work once, but it’s often much harder to get your child back to the doctor again.
When you tell your child about the visit, make it a non-event. For example, “Today, you’re going to school, and then we’ll stop at the clinic to get your flu shot, and then we’ll go to Katie’s birthday party.” Listing it as just another part of the day helps communicate to your child that a shot is not a big deal and is nothing to worry about.
During the Visit
Once you get to the clinic, there are several strategies you can try to reduce pain and distress.
Deep breathing has been shown to decrease pain. Have your child breathe in and out slowly as if they’re inflating and deflating a balloon inside their stomach. Or, have your child breathe in as you count to four, and then breathe out for four counts.
Staying calm yourself can also make a big difference, according to NPR. When you’re nervous, kids pick up on this and get nervous, too. Then, they feel pain more intensely.
You can also try holding your child’s hand or hugging them while they get a shot. They can focus on this feeling of comfort and security rather than the pain of the shot.
After the Visit
Once the shot is over, try distracting your child rather than dwelling on the pain. Let them play with a toy or game, or offer them a small reward. Move on quickly to the next activity, and soon, the shot will be nothing but a blip on their day.
Remember – don’t forget to get your immunizations, too! Children are always watching to see what their parents do, and modeling healthy behavior is one of the best ways to encourage it. Plus, a shot is less of a big deal if your child knows that mommy and daddy get them too.
What Other Medical Care Does My Child Need?
Regular well-child visits are often the most important part of your child’s healthcare.
How often should your child see their healthcare provider? That usually depends on their age. School-aged children will usually see their provider annually, while infants and toddlers will visit their clinic more often.
What happens at well-child visits? Here’s our guide on what to expect by age.
Is My Child Up to Date on Their Shots?
Schedule an appointment with one of our family medicine providers today!
Our family medicine providers see patients at our Maple Grove, Osseo, and Plymouth locations. Call (763) 587-7999 to schedule an appointment, or click the link below!
We’re dedicated to providing the friendly, compassionate care you and your child need.