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Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. For many of us, the year was full of challenges, opportunities to better ourselves, and great memories. But, there’s always room for improvement, which is why many of us set resolutions for the coming year. Stick to your New Year\'s resolutions with these expert strategies.

We’re sure you’ve faced it before; you make a resolution to cut down on sweets or work out three times a week, only to find yourself snacking on some candy or binge-watching Netflix instead of hitting the gym shortly into the new year. To combat this issue, we’ve curated the following tips that will help you maintain your new year’s resolutions all year long!

Keep Things Simple

It can be tempting to aim for the stars when you are making your resolution, committing to a complete overhaul of your lifestyle, or having unrealistic weight loss targets. At this time of the year, it’s an understandable attitude to have; we’re constantly thinking about self-improvement and having that message hammered home by others around us.

Tune out of what others are promising themselves and focus on your own goals. Particularly, focus on one or two important—yet realistic—goals rather than committing to numerous resolutions.

Be Selective

There are a lot of things you can draft resolutions for, but it’s better to choose goals that will transform your life and boost your self-esteem, which will be a vast improvement for your mental health. Perhaps consider cutting out smoking, going on walks more often, or limiting your intake of sugary treats.

Analyze Previous Attempts

Look at your past resolutions. Why did they fail? Maybe the amount of weight you tried to lose was too ambitious, the financial goal you set was unrealistic, or you tried to quit smoking with no gradual build-up. Either set realistic goals or if you’re determined to go the whole nine yards, set clear, short-term goals that will gradually build-up to your long term goal.

Break Things Down 

It’s key to plan ahead and break goals down into manageable achievements. For example, if your resolution is to walk more often, set a day that week where you must go for a long walk. If you are cutting down on soda, perhaps mark a day of the week where you can allow yourself to have a soda of your choice.

The sense of achievement in both reaching these goals and having planned them out and stuck to them is priceless.  

Commit to it on Paper

Having a timeline is vital when it comes to motivation. After all, this is your barometer for success and the way you check your short-term progress against your long-term goal.

Get a calendar or a journal and plan your actions for the coming weeks, months, or year. You can decide when (and how often) you update this.

Make a Note of Your Success

Relating to our last point, keeping a journal or planner of your actions gives you a physical reminder of what you’re aiming for!

Write down the details of your resolutions in a notebook. You could even start a scrapbook and fill it with photos of a slimmer you, pictures of something you are saving money for, or recipes for healthy meals to help spur you into action. Perhaps your resolution will benefit your partner, children, or friends, so you could add photos of them, too, for an extra motivational push!

You’re Never Alone 

Always remember that your support network is a crucial part of your success. Maybe it’s a trustworthy colleague, close friend, or your family. Let them know how they can help you when you need that push to keep going with your goals and keep you determined during those difficult moments.

Don’t Give In

Everyone slips up from time to time—it’s a part of life! Don’t single yourself out for harsh criticism if you have a bad week in regards to maintaining your resolutions. Being harsh to ourselves can foster a mentality where we feel like giving up constantly. Draw on your support network and your own perseverance to stick with the course.

Use the above tips to stick with and remember how beneficial these resolutions are. After all, you picked them, you planned them, and you achieved all of that on your own. Your goals are closer to completion than you think!

Resolutions are an important part of the new year, but so is seeing your physician. Put your best foot forward at the start of this new year and schedule an appointment with us. 

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