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The Benefits of an Independent Clinic

You may not know that there are two common types of medical clinics; independent clinics and corporate clinics. Independent clinics are typically physician owned while corporate clinics, are just that – owned by major corporations or non-profit entities.

Voyage Healthcare is a robust group of five independent clinics in the northwest area of the Twin Cities. Since 1953, Voyage Healthcare (formerly North Clinic) has grown and evolved significantly all while maintaining the independence and advantages of being physician owned and operated.

What’s unique about independent clinics like Voyage Healthcare and what are the advantages for you as a patient?

What defines an independent clinic and how it benefits patients.

About Independent Clinics

Independent clinics and Corporate clinics give people the chance for preventative care with routine appointments and check-ups. Beyond that, both types of clinics offer immunizations and may include specialist visits depending on the location and services provided.

Corporate clinics are nearly always affiliated with a particular hospital or insurance group. Although some independent clinics may be affiliated with a particular hospital, the majority of independent clinics are provider-owned. Provider-owned clinics deliver unique ways for personalized healthcare and medicine without being constrained by a large corporate structure.

Advantages of Independent Clinics

There are many reasons why someone might opt to go to an independent clinic over a hospital or “name brand” medical provider. Below, are a few common responses as to why patient’s may select an Independent, provider-owned facility.

Improved Care

In a corporate clinic, many decisions take time. There are processes to follow and patient care may not be as “nimble” as one would expect. When selecting an independent clinic, red-tape is often mitigated, doctors are not as constrained if new needs arise as they are the decision-makers in their clinics.

Referrals to Specialty Care within the Clinic System

Often, when a patient visits a large corporate healthcare system, if a patient requires a referral to a specialist, providers can be constrained by the healthcare system in which they work. At an independent clinic, referrals are more focused on the best physician referral for your particular situation.

More Personalized Attention

Within independent clinics, physicians have the flexibility to set their schedules to their own preferences. This means they may have the flexibility to spend longer time periods with their patients and patients may not feel as rushed.

Healthcare Decisions Made by the Patient and their Doctor, not a Larger Entity

When you choose an independent clinic, the doctor is working for you, not an insurance company or a corporation/non-profit. Independent doctors have full autonomy to make decisions – not based on corporate guidelines or requirements – but from a completely patient-centric perspective. 

Quality Primary Care and Much More

Whether you go to an independent clinic or corporate clinic, finding care for your ailments is key to getting better. Voyage Healthcare is one of the leading independent clinics serving patients throughout the northwest metro area of Minneapolis and St. Paul and we would love to be your partner in health.

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